Table Of Content’s

  1. Return and Refund Policy
  2. Returns
  3. Refunds
  4. Warranty
  5. Contact Us



  1. Return and Refund Policy

All PCs Purchased from can be returned and refunded after 30 days of delivery. Any computer owned longer that 30 days is no longer eligible for a full refund.The customer will have to pay a 7% restocking fee and pay for shipping.  For refunds and repairs please feel free to contact us at


  1. Returns


No returns will be accepted without acquiring an “RMA” number provided by SoraPCBuilds, which you can receive by reaching out to, The customer must provide the following information


  • Order Number
  • Reason for return
  • Evidence of damage


After all the information is sent to us, we will review your order to see if you qualify for a return. If accepted, you will be provided with an “RMA” number and instructions on how to ship your product back to us.

The Customer will be provided 14 days to return their computer. If the customer fails to ship the PC within 14 days from the date of return approval, The return and refund will be voided.

SoraPCBuilds holds the right to accept or reject the Customer’s claims for returns.




  1. Refunds


All customer holds the right to request for a refund upon discovery of a defect or damage to the PC on delivery. SoraPCBuilds will not provide refunds on Stock keyboards, Mice, Headsets, and monitors

If the PC is accepted for a return by our RMA team and the hardware inside the computer hasn’t been overclocked or used in crypto mining in any way.

SoraPCBuilds will provide a refund on Prebuilt an custom computers. Refunds will be provided upon delivery at SoraPCBuilds. A 7% restocking fee and shipping fee for the computer will be charged to the customer. However, if the customer has purchased refund assurance with there order, they will not be subject to


  • Restocking fees
  • Shipping fees


SoraPCBuilds holds the right to accept or reject the Customer’s claims for refunds.




  1. Warranty


After 30 of delivery your PC is no longer eligible for a full refund however, Every Prebuilt and Custom computer purchased from is provided with a 1 year repair warranty. This warranty covers the labor cost to repair your PC if anything happens to your PC in this 1 year period. Examples below


  • Software issues
  • Constant crashing
  • Game slowdown


You are also covered with all warranties included in your parts. If the warranty on the part that needs to be replaced is valid, we will use that warranty to get you a replacement for the part that needs to be replaced.

However, the warranty we provide does not cover.


  • Physical damage after delivery
  • Part replacements
  • Shipping cost
  • Stock Keyboards and mice from SoraPCBuilds


If you use your computer in any of the following ways this will void your warranty

  • Any use of crypto mining
  • Overclocking
  • Moving or shipping the PC out the United States of America.



After the One Year Warranty Period the computer will no longer be offered a free repair. If the Customer still wishes us to fix their computer after the warranty has voided or expired, The customer can still reach out to us at and get an estimate from our RMA team.



  1. Contact Us


If you have any questions about this Policy, please contact us at


(Effective February 15th, 2023)